CAMERON DALLAS DRAMA?! Chasing Cameron Review and discussion of Magcon, Social Media fame, and trials of tour life



I went down a Netflix rabbithole this weekend. Let’s talk.

Chasing Cameron is a 10 episode Netflix documentary about youtuber, former viner, and model Cameron Dallas. It follows him and his life through the newest version of MAGCON, a social media tour formed by manager Bart Bordelon.

What do guys who post silly videos online do on tour anyway? From what I gather, the event involves meeting fans, dancing around (getting “hype”) and a couple of the guys have a song/rap or two to perform. (Singer Shawn Mendes and duo Jack and Jack were on the earlier Magcon tour. At least their rise to fame is a bit more clear cut!)

The rise of social media platforms (Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, Vine (RIP)) has played an interesting role in fame. Singers and actors now have an instantaneous way to interact with and connect with fans all around the world. But it’s not just traditional celebrities in the spotlight anymore.

Anyone with a camera, iphone, creative mind, and an endearing personality can now become famous. Like it or not, it’s 2017 and this is the way of the entertainment world.

I’m a 20 year old woman. I can completely get behind the popularity of and interest in Youtube because creating several minutes of entertaining content takes work, and creativity and it’s cool to look into the lives of other people. It’s fascinating and it can be like reality shows, only more intimate because it’s coming from the person themselves.

Vine is where things get a bit more confusing for me. In 2013, I loved watching the silly clips and I was attracted to and interested in these new boys I was hearing about Nash Grier, Cameron Dallas, Aaron Carpenter, etc.

But 6 second videos suddenly warrent a spot in my teen mags?  Can they even sing? WTF is this tour and why are so many people tweeting about it? I’ll keep watching these guys I guess, but I need longform youtube videos of them or something.

I wish I hadn’t missed out on the older Magcon tours because I would have loved to have that as an experience to base my perspectives off of. (HEY I WOULD’VE MET THE JACKS SOONER!)

The 2016 reboot of the Magcon tour interested me too, but they added 12 year olds, Musers (I’m too old to get anyone that gets famous off freaking! No thanks!) and well… Jacob Sartorious. Haven’t heard of him?! SPARE YOURSELF! (Yay! He’s nowhere in the show!)

That all being said, I’VE ALWAYS BEEN WAY TOO DRAWN TO CAMERON ALEXANDER DALLAS! Is that the big appeal? They’re sweet (debatable with some), hot, and only 6 seconds leave you wanting more?? Maybe.

Cameron has at least acted in some movies too, so there’s that.

So OF CORSE, I was curious about Chasing Cameron. What I got with that time investment? PURE TOUR DRAMA AND INSANITY!

Me: How is Cameron Dallas so popular just based off vine and twitter? Is it really just cause he’s (VERY) attractive?

Me: I don’t get reality tv or why the Kardashians are famous or wha-

*puts on Chasing Cameron*

Me: *completely invested* *watches whole series in 2 days*


So essentially the viewer gets to follow along with the European leg of the Magcon tour reboot. What could possibly go wrong?


Two of Cameron’s friends and tour mates are heavily featured in Chasing Cameron.

On one hand we have the sweet, adorable internet kid Aaron Carpenter who dreams of a future music career. (I got addicted to his one rap single She Know What She Doing. A bit on the side of what I call a bullshit jam (definition: those songs that are kind of bad that you know you shouldn’t like but somehow do anyway!) but ultimately not shabby! )

Then on the other hand is the semi-hot but definitely hot-headed! OH GOSH I WANNA LIKE TAYLOR CANIFF BUT HE’S VERY PROBLEMATIC!

Right at the beginning of the series, we see Taylor get angry because he isn’t getting his per diem which is money the people on tour get paid for food and other things. I sees where he’s coming from here because food is important, but he continues to be quite the argument starter.

Such as in the club fight scenario that he made worse!


This is also the worst managed tour that I’ve ever known of! First off, there’s Taylor’s issue with the per diem, Next, they cancel a show in Cologne, Germany when they just decided to stop working. The poor fans! Also Bart could have totally prevented it. Which is why my opinion on Bart also varies.

Finally, in a Paris venue, there’s a huge overcrowding scare that almost cancels the show because they have to remove so many people. This results in the Magcon management just up and quitting the whole tour!

IT’S SUCH A TRAINWRECK! Which, as a fan brings up the question, Just how many tours from my favorites have this kind of utter chaos happening behind the scenes.

Fans may think they know what’s going on with tours and famous people in general, but we REALLY HAVE NO IDEA! Behind the scenes could be a total shitstorm, or as calm as a pond. IT’S VERY SCARY!

That’s just part of what this documentary taught me about tour life. I don’t think this trouble only happens with social media stars touring either, although, yes that could be a contributing factor.

The tour setup was also quite messy. They’d call back people with certain wristbands to do the meet and greet while one of the “talents” (to borrow their wording) would sing or dance onstage. It’s messy both in terms of the crowd being GA (Be prepared to be super close to the people next to you and be stuck standing in one place!) and the people missing out on an act! A clean cut meet and greet time, and then a show afterword is both proven and effective!

By the way, THERE ARE SOOOO MANY PEOPLE AT THESE THINGS! It’s shocking really. Though I know the prices are cheap-ish, the amount of people and dedication to this unconventional type of celebrities is HUGE!

I know the following of the older Magcon was really something. The close, fairly easy access to people who could make you smile through hard times by posting a little vine, formed a kind of family-like bond between fan and influencer. I get this, though the size of the whole she-bang is still mind-blowing to me. The fact that Paris even had that overcrowding issue was shocking! IT ALSO MADE ME ANXIOUS, BECAUSE WHAT WOULD I HAVE DONE BESIDES BE SCARED AF IF I WAS IN THAT SITUATION?

That’s not the only scary thing that happens on this tour, but you’ll see something else if you watch the show!

Then we have Cameron’s wear down due to management stress, tiredness, and anxiety.

Throughout the series, Cameron seems just about as vital to managing the tour as Bart does. You see how business-oriented he is and his willingness to speak up whenever there is an issue. He clearly cares a lot about his work and his friends, and seeing this side of him is one of my favorite things about the whole show! Super-professional!

However, his concern about how things are holding up, seems to take a big tole on him.

He also talks about how exhausting it is to meet hundreds of fans every day and how girlswill just jump into his arms and not treat him like a real human.

Meeting people is hard enough, especially as an introvert where it literally drains your energy so OH GOSH I CAN ONLY IMAGINE HOW THIS MUST FEEL TO HIM!

Things get particularly rough when Cam doesn’t attend one of the shows due to a panic attack and later has one mid-meet-and-greet, forcing him to leave and just want to quit the whole tour.


Cameron does open up once about his anxiety even though it’s hard for him to talk about his feelings. Still, I’m surprised to be learning about it in this show only, because even if he talked about it just a little bit in any other media, it could help people and give them comfort. I suppose Chasing Cameron will have to do, at least for now.

Confession: Chasing Cameron made me cry!! They put his families’ dog Jake down in episode 6 (due to sickness and old age) and they show the entire process!  I only ask why it was necessary because it was really damn sad to watch! Avoid the end of E6 if you’re sensitive!

More Taylor Caniff controversy ensues and proves that he’s kind of a shitty friend. He leaves the tour and doesn’t tell his best friend Trey Schafer a thing about it. What a jerk! What makes me kind of want to go easy on Taylor is his rough upbringing and his not knowing certain things but by the end of the show I am still quite split. (I got him to follow me on twitter before I ever saw the show and I’m not sure how I feel about it now)

About the younger, newer, generation of Magcon, it kind of bothers me. 13, 14 year olds with huge followings for unspecified reasons is just off-putting to me. I’ve looked up Brandon Rowland before and I found him really annoying.


I’M IN LOVE WITH CAMERON AND I’M NOT ASHAMED! One of these days I want to get the kiss on the cheek from him that was mentioned by some of the girls on Chasing Cameron! 

Him and his family also discussed that one of his goals was to be on the cover of GQ magazine. Look what was recently announced! 🙂


Rating: 7.5/10 For sheer entertainment value and hello, I’m a 20 year old straight girl.


I think this was an interesting, and thought-provoking, yet still highly trashy TV binge. It built my love for Cam and Aaron up and put social media stardom and touring in a new light.

If you are looking for something full of drama, behind the scenes of fame, and full of cute guys this definitely might be worth checking out.

I bet someone who doesn’t know much about social media might still be fascinated by this. Even if it’s a hate-watch it’s kind of worth at least looking at. (Just CAMERON is worth looking at TBQH! 😉 )

If you are at all curious about MAGCON welcome to the shitshow! this documentary at least clears up a few things so it’s worth investing a little time at least.




INSANE YOUTUBE MUSIC COMPETITION IRL?!?!?! My Drop The Mic Tour Experience (with VIP!)!


(With guitar) Jack Baran, (Twinning w Ariana Grande) The Gabbie Show, (Twinning w Taylor Swift) Andrew Lowe, (Red wig) Chachi Gonzales, (Cool guy pointing fingers) Ricky Dillon

On Wednesday December 21st 2016, I went to the Drop The Mic Tour ( featuring YouTube stars Ricky Dillon, Gabbie Hanna (aka The Gabbie Show),  Jack Baran, Andrew Lowe, and Chachi Gonzales) at the Granada Theater in Dallas Texas. (My uncle has a band that’s literally performed in the exact same venue before! AWESOMENESS!)

INTRO:  Youtube is my therapy @TheGabbieShow   kind of my guilty pleasure. I often watch several videos a day (which has gotten worse) and I definitely watch it way more than TV or Netflix. Actual people doing goofy stuff and documenting their adventures in the name of entertaining people and making them smile?! I’m all for it!! Since it’s mostly ordinary (low-scale fame at most) people who do this, it adds an extra layer of authenticity to their content, and viewers can feel closer connected to them than fictional characters or most celebrities.

What’s the Drop The Mic tour essentially? A LIP-SYNCING AND DANCING COMPETITION EXTRAVAGANZA!! It’s EPIC! Read the heck on!


*Buys VIP ticket because it’s $125 for individual and group pic with 5 AMAZING INTERNET PEOPLE!*

*Does happy dance*


*Realizes “Hey I’m still spending money and I’m kind of a broke college kid with no real job yet”*



Attire: Short sleeved green shirt with Snoopy wearing a Santa hat on it (BECAUSE DECEMBER!), blue jeans, spiky black rocker fetus Demi boots, a silver heart necklace, candy cane earrings

*Ubers to venue*

*Gets her #SWAGGY (Note to self: Don’t post that hashtag ever again!) VIP  meet and greet lanyard*

Feels: Like a Bos- Uh.. Hey, did you know if the venue is playing awesome music it helps pre-m&g anxiety significantly?? #LifeHack PS: Sing along! There we go!

It was set up so there was a line leading up to a small area of the room that was boxed in by curtains. I was close to the back of the line, and I saw them come out a couple times! COOOL!! I have shots of Ricky and Gabbie heading back in!

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And this happened! 🙂

I thought about introducing myself to them, but it turned out that was already taken care of, because the lady taking the photos would ask what the people’s names where and introduce us, which I thought was clever!

Ricky was first, and he was the Youtuber I was the most excited to meet because I’ve been watching him for years (I started watching him right before O2l ended, but still!) and I feel like we have a lot in common, like our music taste, and love for Pokemon. ALSO HE HAD BRAND NEW RAINBOW HAIR THAT I COULD SEE IN PERSON!! WHOAAA!  I said Hi, and I think I spent a moment or so just looking at him. Then I said the clever one liner I had planned…

Ricky: (in his vlogs, talking to another person and putting them on the spot) “Say something outrageous for my vlog!”


Me: “Say something outrageous for my meet and greet!”

Ricky: “I like your shirt!”



Thanks for the compliment Ricky!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!


Thing is, I had to move on to Andrew (He’s SOO funny!!) while I was saying that to Ricky so this wound up happening…


I’M SO AWKWARD!!! *hides in corner* *prays no one got a weird impression of me*

I might have said a thing or two to him, IDK MEET AND GREETS ARE SO QUICK!

Thank god the lady was taking the photos on camera burst because it looked like that saved the day for me!!


Next was Gabbie who is the QUEEN of meet and greet hugs!! (I kind of had a feeling about that while looking at other m&g pics!) I was right!

Look how cute!!!


The Dabbie Show! (Dana+Gabbie)*dabs* The Hugging Show! The Cuddly show!

For the sake of me saying something during the m&g I told her I loved her vlogs (I’d just been watching some that morning) and she said thank you, but I can’t help but think that was a lame/basic thing to say. Especially since she has THE BEST AND CRAZIEST STORYTIME videos on the entire internet!! ENTERTAINING AF!

After her was Chachi who.. to be honest I looked up that morning to be rslightly familiar with, but she’s a dope dancer and why not hug her too? One of them told me to enjoy the show and I think it was her.


Lol at Jack in the background!

Finally was Jack, who medium-key looks like a model! I thought about saying that, but instead was all like “Hi Jack!”


Why is my right arm always so awkward in these things? I SHOULD REALLY STICK TO HUGGING! 🙂

Group Pic!!! I love this so much!!!! Also.. TWO Gabbie hugs? LIVING for it!


I think I did a good job with talking to them here. Silent m&gs are probably super awkward. (like how I didn’t say anything in the group Demi and Nick one? TOO MUCH FOR ME MAN!) And it might have felt a little weird but I LOVE what I said to Ricky! 😀 Most of these pics are AWESOME as well!

Fun fact: Miley Cyrus’s Party In The U.S.A. was the song playing when I went in. That’s great! I love Miley and I used to be really obsessed with her in middle school!!

I got an autographed poster afterward! YAY, IT’S GOING UP IN MY DORM ROOM WHEN I GET BACK!


So, Ricky has the sloppiest signature (disappointed! I have Kian and Jc’s autograph too and theirs is also very messy! Is it some type of 02l guys rule? I bet Trevor Moran’s would look nice though! Or Connor Franta!) and Jack has the prettiest! It’s BEAUTIFUL!


My phone was at 50% and I only had a charger that needed an outlet, so I decided against using it. I was kind of bored waiting around 2 hours for the show to start, so I mostly just got my spot in the second row (I was trying to find a phone charger and the very front filled up), sang along with the music (some of my faves! YASS!), and… okay I might have used my phone just a tiny bit!

I’ve been slightly interested in seeing a lip-syncing show, but I had a bit of doubt about how entertaining it would actually be.

Throw in a big competition, some dancing, and epic set ups and it’s actually A REALLY LIT TIME!!

Chachi introduced the show and performers, using interesting descriptions for each one of them. One of Gabbie’s was that she hadn’t washed her hair all tour, which is low-key gross, but it makes sense because she does have gorgeous dyed purple and blue streaks!

Each of the performers had their own scoreboards, where they could earn points based off of audience noise and tweets. I loved that we could vote those ways! Chachi would be adding to the scores as each performance went on.

The first round was the duet round and Ricky and Andrew began with Breaking Free from High School Musical. Ricky did Troy’s part and Andrew did Gabriella’s…. LMAO! This included them leaping in the air, Andrew dragging Ricky across the stage floor, and Ricky leaping onto Andrew’s back! Way to kick off the show!

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Gabbie and Jack did Jessie J’s Like A Dude for theirs (I don’t really care for this song) and it involved baseball caps. I don’t remember but I’d love to think Ricky and Andrew were in the lead on this round because theirs was WAY BETTER!!

While the performers were getting ready for the next round, Chachi had each side of the audience do a little dance off, and than she asked for some volunteers.

If I’m going to volunteer for anything, I’ll never do it the first time they ask because I feel like I need to see the kind of things they’ll be doing first. It’s better safe than sorry. Also, I’m not sure about dancing onstage in front of people, but I feel like I could have done this particular one!

Around 8 members of the audience came onstage and they had to do the Whip/Nae Nae. As a prize, they all got to watch the next round of the show FROM THE STAGE! Uh, YEAH I could/should have done that!

Ricky started off the next round. He did ex fellow 02l member and his close friend, Trevor Moran’s new song (BOP!) Get Me Through the Night. As per the music video he wore an American Flag onsie! Trevor Moran for president and Ricky Dillon for vice president 2020!! It’d be more FAB than a Kanye West campaign any day!! Bring on the music, glitter, dancing, and rainbow hair!

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Andrew was next. The thing that makes Andrew Lowe hilarious is that his personality seems completely deadpan. He doesn’t show emotions much, and his movement is kind of awkward. Idk if it’s on purpose or notThat being said, his first solo song choice was Beyonce’s Single Ladies. Complete with the dance! Comedy ensued!


Then came Jack with my favorite performance of that round. He did Lady Gaga’s song Paparazzi and was dressed in all black with a sparkly jacket and sunglasses. He interacted with the audience a whole lot and was just a shiny, fabulous, superstar!

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Gabbie finished round 2 with Panic at the Disco’s I Write Sins, Not Tragedies and was dressed completely like Brendan Urie in the video! Red looks really good on her! There was a groom and a bride among the dancers, and they had an actual door prop!

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I feel like a lot of the audience came mainly for Gabbie, (I don’t blame them!) and her score was the highest after that round.

Before the final round started, they all went backstage and we were prompted to vote on twitter on the screens. I voted for Jack. Chachi came back showed off some of her amazing dance moves. Then she asked for volunteers again to do the Juju on That Beat dance, but they didn’t get to stay onstage (seats were removed at this point) and… well I still don’t know this one. *shrugs*

The scoreboards were turned around now. Ooh it’s a mystery! We weren’t allowed to know anything anymore!

Andrew kicked off the third and final round. The song?

Miley Cyrus’s Wrecking Ball

LMAO! Not as good as Single Ladies


I’m DEAD!!! LMAO!!!

Gabbie did Ke$ha’s Tik Tok for her second solo song and continued to look the part! I get why she didn’t wash her hair now! She had to act like Ke$ha! I like how it started off on a mattress and she had on a fluffy vest and this adorable purple elephant shirt from Target that I’ve been wanting but have felt too broke to buy it for myself! I will probably end up getting it now!!

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JACK JACK JACK JACK JACK!!! Guess what he Slayed performed next?!?!?


No crazy extras this time, just a LIT performance on it’s own that got me hyped up! Chachi was (famous among us Directioners) Georgia Rose and her and Jack danced together and it was really cute!!



But, I believe the absolute best of this round was for last!

A throne lie out onstage as Ariana Grande’s Into You started playing. The throne turned around to find,

Ricky Dillon in drag, as Ariana, wearing a crown, and doing his signature leg movements!!! OMGGG!! (Non-existant) WEAVE SNATCHED!!!

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For the finale, everyone gathered onstage and they showed us points for each performer again!

And the winner for the Dallas Texas Drop The Mic Show was….. *drumroll*


She got a snazzy silver trophy too! AWESOME!

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They ended by all dancing to NSYNC*’s Bye Bye Bye which was so perfect! I was really hyped up at this point! It was a good time!


Ricky stayed behind and took pictures on fan’s phones for a bit, but I didn’t get close enough! 😦


So I had to text my parents to come and get me after the show, but as I walked out of the venue, I noticed that their were some fans waiting in the back, along with the tour bus, and some barricades. It was around 8 pm and I felt like I had time so why not wait and see if anyone comes out? (Well my phone was at around 30%, but I had a charger and enough battery to text!)

I noticed some people drawing on the dust of the tour bus so I decided to do the same! 🙂


There was a door in the back, and eventually Gabbie popped her head out! I think that bit is in her vlog from that day!


We were told by security to form a line and we could take photos! Towards the front of the little line, some girl had a sharpie, so I asked Jack to sign my phone case with his beautiful signature!! EPIC!


I got someone to take my pic with him, I put my arm on him again, and I told him he had killed it and  (since I’d heard this comment) I told him he should totally be the replacement for Zayn! He was nice!  I also noticed he had a One Direction bracelet on! YAAASS JACK!


I’d ship us if he wasn’t gay! Darnit!!

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Those dimples and that smile though!!

Andrew also came outside and went to the tour bus but I missed getting another pic with him!

We were eventually told that the tour members had left out front and had gotten an Uber! Some fans thought this was a trick, but everyone started leaving then.

Concluding Thoughts: Don’t doubt (this particular) lip-synch tour! Seriously, if someone can entertain you through a video on a computer screen, chances are they can probably entertain you well in real life!

Plus I’m a LUUCCKKYY duck! From 0 to 7 Youtubers met all in one year! Anything can happen!

I had a really fun time here and I’m really glad I met some of my favorite content creators! (I’ve REALLY wanted to meet Ricky!) The show definitely exceeded my expectations and it’s really cool that events like this can help close the gap between creators and viewers!

*Mic Drop*



Straight outta oz

On Thursday, July 21st, 2016, I went to Todrick Hall’s Straight Outta Oz tour at the Verizon Theatre in Grand Prarie Texas.

Oh, and this never usually happens to me, but I managed to win an email contest thrown by the venue and my tickets (Second section up and to the left) were free! SWEET!!!

For those of you who haven’t had the pleasure of checking out , he’s a brilliant actor, director, singer, rapper, songwriter, dancer, Disney movie geek, and proud member of Beyonce’s beehive, once creating a promotional Target flash-mob (“Beyonce End Of Time Target flash mob”), praised by Beyonce Knowles-Carter herself! He’s had several successful covers and mashups of Disney songs (I recommend “90’s Disney” and “Evolution of Disney”) and hits by pop queens (I recommend “4 Taylor” “4 Beyonce” and “4 Ariana”) with collaborations including acapella group Pentatonix (“The Wizard of Ahhhs”) and youtuber Colleen Ballinger (aka Miranda Sings and the vid is “Beauty and the Beat”).

He also was on the 9th season of American Idol and had a brief series on MTV called Todrick.

His epic Beyonce style visual album (every single song has a music video, and it plays out like a movie) Straight Outta Oz came out June 23rd 2016 along with the announcement of the tour. It’s basically a self-written, Wizard of Oz themed, musical about his life and some challenges he’s faced as a gay African American man trying to make it big in Hollywood.

I watched the Straight Outta Oz visual album the night before the show and was blown away by the talent, visuals, fun/clever songs with some interesting subject matter, and B-list guest stars including actress Amber Riley (Mercedes from Glee, sings both of his songs about his mother), actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Blah, Blah, Blah), singers Jordan Sparks (Water Guns) and Nicole S (I don’t want to spell that complicated last name from the pussycat dolls (Papi), celebrity blogger Perez Hilton and youtuber Grace Helbig (Green).

I quickly became obsessed with it, especially my favorites, Papi, Colors, and Dumb.  I love to do my research and learn the lyrics before the show!

I can’t say I’ve ever seen a concert that felt so much like a musical, complete with acting, dancing, costumes, sets such as Emerald City/Oz Angeles (the main set, complete with stairs and a gate), and even a mid-show intermission. I loved all of it!

If there’s one thing Todrick Hall definitely is it’s ORIGINAL with his work!

I settled in, getting some pizza, water, and popcorn, and the show started around 7:30. While the audience waited, instead of playing music they played Todrick videos which was great, but it would have been better if they used the video screens instead of projecting them over the curtain! The audience was pretty chill, sitting in their seats for most songs and waiting until a song ended to clap and cheer. Makes sense with a medium-sized venue and medium-famed performer.

The show opened with No Place Like Home which included dancers and Todrick dressed in a suit with a sky and clouds pattern. This suit was like the one in the video as well as the wooden hot air balloon that he used was. Before he showed up, there was also a distorted version of his youtube theme song It’s Me and I thought that was interesting.

The show basically went in order of the Straight Outta Oz tracklist, with a couple of additions sprinkled in. I thought he sounded at least as good as his recordings live, and there was some wowing falsetto notes in some of the songs. The dancing was also pretty interesting to watch! Sometimes he would have the music video or some other accompanying video playing on the video screens and projected behind him which was neat! His main outfit was a blue and white, school uniform worthy of Dorthy’s approval, paired with a pair of sparkly ruby red high-tops!

He had different people doing the parts of the famous music video stars, and during Colors, I thought he was cuter with his onstage boyfriend then his music video boyfriend.


The person that did his mother’s songs, was talented and did a wonderful job, but I prefer Amber Riley’s versions! I also missed the background drag queens when he rapped Expensive (I like that song a lot more than I expected to! P.S. The way they say damn reminds me a lot of Damn Daniel!)

I was particularly fascinated by one of his dancers, Chester Lockhart who stuck out like a glittery pink thumb, and did a fabulous sassy number about being verified on twitter (the ironic part is he isn’t, but I guess his character is!)! Note to self: Find that somewhere on YouTube!

The R&B song If I had a heart definitely much better live, due to lack of autotune and impressive falsetto.

Here’s some pics!

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There were small interludes in the show that weren’t shown in the videos, such as some backup singers who worked for Monkey Airlines (Probably spoofing the  flight safety song Todrick made for Virgin Airlines, I kept waiting for him to do some of it but that didn’t happen), and an ugly dog-shaped car purchased with the Visa rapped about in Expensive.

Papi was the last pre-intermission song and I swear it was to get that sexy Spanish-based jam stuck in my head! It’s about an LA agent lady who, in exchange for helping make him famous, wants a little something extra on the side (a hookup). My question is, despite his sexuality, did he ever go through with it in pursuit of the fame?

On his first song back, Todrick decided to stroll into the middle and second rows of the audience, going through the middle and right sides, and giving hugs. He skipped the right section where I was sitting though! If artists aren’t yet to the point of fame where they’d get mobbed,and can pull it off safely, then I think they should totally go for doing this kind of thing!  He also did it a second time later, while dressed in drag with a yellow wig, yellow and blue dress, and red pump heels. (There’s a video of that on his instagram) SLAY Queen!!

I like Green a lot, the dancing is wonderful, as well as the whole Oz-cars theme!

Water Guns is probably Todrick’s most powerful song, speaking out against the spread of gun-violence. It was introduced with several news clips of recent attacks including the Cristina Grimmie and Orlando shootings, and clips of President Obama’s responses. The dancers were dressed as cops, and the video screens showed pictures of victims and protest messages. I appreciate him spreading the message in this manner, and agree that there should be laws to stop this senseless gun violence.

Another reason the show was like a musical, was that Todrick and the rest of his singers and dancers came out and took bows. Nice!

The encore was probably the longest encore ever, but it’s not like I minded because it was SO DOPE! He did some of the songs from the MTV show, as well as the exact 90s Disney song mashup duet that was in his video. He also played the video of Beyonce complementing his Target flash mob, before leading up to doing a huge Beyonce song mashup with a line of dancers while sitting in chairs.


It looked so great!

The intro to the final song Haterz had a funny intro video where fans talked about how to handle the haters in their lives. Inspirational, and super fun!

Time to le- Wait a second!? Did I hear him say something during the encore? He said he’d meet everyone that had his poster?! HERE I GO TO THE MERCH STAND!!

That poster turned out autographed and I couldn’t be happier! But, maybe I could?! Back into that theater I went!


A theatre employee told people waiting to sit in a certain section and wait. People with VIP passes could line up already, and those without could sit and wait to be called.

This came with the first thing that made me nervous (besides the concept of the meet and greet itself). My phone had a battery percentage hovering near 10%, and in order for my parents to let me stay, I had to leave the seating section and find a charging outlet. I found one by the theatre door, paced, and talked to another lady charging her phone while I waited, since I didn’t want to risk the phone charging slower by me messing around on it.

I saw them taking down the stage set during this time. Can’t stay I’ve stayed at a concert venue that long before.

One of Todrick’s dancers was out, and I overheard her talking about how he’s generous enough to do this two hour meet and greet after every show and then leave for the next city and do it all over again.

When my phone got to 30%, the people sitting in the section got to get in line (I think it was around 40 something people, but I’m bad with math). His stage mother and three more of his dancers were out greeting the people in line. I spoke with one friendly dancer and learned he had a friend living in Tennessee.

The time was also around 11 pm and my parent’s weren’t pleased because I was worrying them by being 45 minutes away without a buddy and they had to get up early. I eventually convinced them to let me stay, but I felt worried and guilty about it. I’m sorry, but I really didn’t want to miss out on the opportunity!

I eventually got into a closer room and saw his real life boyfriend Jesse. Some people took selfies with him but I didn’t feel like doing it.

This was the first ever meet and greet I’ve done where in the m&g room you can watch other people meet the star without it being closed off by some type of curtain. I think that’s really cool. Someone before me did the splits in their pose and that was pretty interesting. He was really sweet to everyone that came up!

I introduced myself to Todrick and put my arms on him for a hug in the photo. Before leaving, I told him I loved his Youtube videos, which might have sounded dumb and overdone by itself. Meet and greets are quick and you can’t always say what you really want, which are things like ” I think you’re a creative genius” or “Your videos are really incredible to binge watch for hours and have your mind blown away.”

Me and Todrick

I criticize my face in photos and my general lack of photogenicness a lot (Especially m&gs!), but the longer at this one the cuter I think it looks. ALSO WE’RE WEARING THE SAME SHADE OF BLUE!

I’m so impressed with him doing this and thankful I got to take part in it! Bless him it must all be so tiring! I definitely gained a new respect for him after learning about it!

Closing thoughts: Todrick Hall is basically the whole star package, that more people need to know about! He’s got the big three qualities of singing, acting, and dancing and a whole lot more. He creates the majority of what he does too which is very impressive, and he’s a very kind person, as seen by his will to stick around and meet so many people! I highly recommend checking out the Straight Outta Oz experience, as well as the rest of his channel because I really don’t think you’ll regret it!!




If you haven’t heard of Australian youtuber and singer Troye Sivan, then let me help you bless those ears!! I’ve been watching Troye for 2 or 3 years now and he’s quite a funny entertainer on youtube as well as being super adorable!! ❤ He got even better once I found out I could sing when he posted covers of One Direction and Ed Sheeran. Fast forward a year and he made an EP! Fast forward 2 years and he has a second EP! His sound is so unique and he’s definitly one of best youtube singers that I watch!! I’m so glad that he’s got two EPs and he needs an album!!!

I saw an interview where Troye said the cover art is actually fan art which is really cool!! He also said that he likes to keep part of his face covered because he isn’t ready not to. I think pretty yellow flowers were a good way of doing that. It looks really nice and artistic.  Ranking: 10/10

WILD: I wasn’t sure what to think about the children choir for a while but  I like it. You don’t really hear that used in songs often. I like the beat. You will see me appreciating the good beats in my reviews a lot. I really like his voice. Quite steamy and that doesn’t stop at the next track either. The bridge is awesome!

BITE: YES AT THAT HARMONY WITH THE BACK VOCALS!!! It sounds so good!! The beat has what I call a warped lullaby vibe. (Also in Kelly Clarkson’s song Dark Side but that one’s a bit calmer.) It’s fascinating, yet creepy. Biting during a kiss sounds painful. I like the flow of this one, even as the weird sounds come in.

FOOLS:  Beautiful piano intro! What is a quiet night poured over rice anyway? His visions are a bit nuts haha. It sounds cool. It’s got a part that sounds like maracas which is pretty interesting.

EASE (ft Broods): It starts with a really fun and fast beat! And it balances out nicely with the duet! The instrumentals remind me of a jungle. It’s got an adventure vibe and yet it’s calm too!

THE QUIET: Harsh lyrics plus a backbeat. Love it! I like the song idea as well. Poor boy, making all those physical pain references! Definitely seems personal.

DKLA (ft Tkay Maidza): There’s a bit more cool sound experimentation here including raindrops, sirens, and bells. Sounds distanced and haunted. I don’t care for the rap part.

EP RATING: 9/10 I like it better then TrXye, I think the subject matter is a bit better. I feel like this would be a good EP to study to as well (even though I haven’t yet).

Favorite track (s): WILD, BITE 

Least favorite track (s): DKLA (ft Tkay Maidza) 





Tyler Oakley Slumber Party Recap/Review

On Sunday July 12th 2015 I went to Youtube Queen Tyler Oakley’s Slumber Party tour at the Majestic Theater! (His hair was blonde at this time… not too fun but fine.) I was up on the mezzanine on the furthest seat to the left.  I was curious because exactly what does a non-singing youtuber do on their tour? He entertains them with interesting stories, audience interaction, and fun, witty, games! He starts off by talking to and with the audience, such as asking for the people wearing onesies to stand up and talking to the people. Sadly, I do not own a onesie (just footie jammies)  and it is summer so I came in regular pjs and my cheetah hat. He also tells us the craziest Texas news that he found which was pretty funny. He also did some Q and Slay answers off of our tweets. Throughout the show their were fellow youtuber guests (Alfie and Zoe, Miranda Sings, Troye, Hannah, Grace and Mamrie) that would “call in” with a video message and a challenge which was awesome! (Zalfies one was so adorable) He played a game with 3 selected audience members and their dads and would ask the girls a multiple choice question (usually internet related) that they would answer. The dads then had to guess which answer their daughter chose. The winner got to be Queen of the tour but it was an event where everyone won and received plastic crowns (even the dads) and Tyler selfies. He also had his friend/co-podcast host Korey Kuhl stop by and he had a tiny plastic hand at one point that Tyler was just not loving! It was so funny! He then played another game with us that was mad libs/fan fiction. “In order to become professional fangirls you have to have written fanfiction. So lets do it!” He would ask for something such as a color and pick the audience-given answer he liked best. In these stories youtuber Mamrie Hart is a booty-rubbing murderer and youtuber Joey Graceffa wants to hook up with Tyler! I think I consider that the best part of the show! He also does a raffle (that has every seat) where some audience members get to go backstage but I did not win that. I also liked when he had a board of youtubers and answered questions like “Which two would you record a rap album with?” (Marcus Butler and Alfie Deyes) Overall the tour was a great experience and Tyler is really cute ( in a puppy-dog-way) and funny!



4 Year Anniversary of the Janoskians!

Happy Four Year anniversary to the Janoskian’s channel! Brothers Beau, Jai, and Luke along with their friends James and Daniel “Skip” started their channel full of pranks and challenges on July 7th 2011 calling themselves the J(ust) A(nother) N(ame)O(f) S(illy) K(ids) I(n) A(nother) N(ation)S. Their earliest  videos included “Public Disturbances” and “Professional Skipping” (Mockumentary) the second being one of the first video’s I saw of theirs. They increased popularity off of the “Awkward Train situations” video because it was hilariously awkward and in four years since they have released many more goofy videos like “Talking Sand Heads” and songs such as “Real Girls Eat Cake” and “This Freaking Song”. They have also made separate channels like DareSundays for challenges and TwinTalkTime for anything that the twins Luke and Jai would like to post. James Yammouni who does a pretty sick DJ job on the side of being in the group did a song with friend Faydee called “Live Forever” as a sweet tribute to their four years. The group then posted a video of them reacting to a video montage of their years together as the song plays. I think it’s super sweet and a great way to celebrate! Here’s to more years of this amazing, funny, and gutsy group!

Janoskians 2011  2011

Janoskians 2012  2012

Janoskians 2013 2013

Janoskians 2014 2014

Janoskians 2015 2015